Sunday, September 22, 2013

training for the open | "superman"

this workout was difficult.

I finished in 18:05

6 squat cleans @ 115
8 burpees
10 dumbbell snatches @ 55


6 squat cleans @ 135
8 burpees
10 dumbbell snatches @ 55


6 squat cleans @ 155
8 burpees
10 dumbbell snatches @ 55


for time

Saturday, September 21, 2013

training for the open | workout 10

my hands were toast and I did this with plain jane plates, so no dropping. I tried to kill it, but the odds were stacked against me.

10 clean & jerk @ 155
10 pullups
3rds for time

Alex / 5:45

Thursday, September 19, 2013

training for the open | workout 9

for time:

400 bodysquats
30 single-unders, every minute on the minute starting first set

alex/ ~13:45

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

training for the open | most of "5s"

5s is a workout I made up that goes like this

50 burpees
50 burpees

I made it to the end of the 5k, then sarah accidentally stopped the clock, and I decided to stop.

Alex 31:28

This time can be beaten.  I was crazy tired after tennis in the insane heat, and I freakin' ran in tennis shoes. It sucked.

Monday, September 16, 2013

training for the open | "400m"

75 power snatches @ 95 lbs.

Alex/ 4:51

my bar was at like 89lbs.  It's all I can do. Don't judge.

Friday, September 13, 2013

training for the open | "double angie"

100 pull-ups
100 push-ups
100 sit-ups
100 body squats
2 rds for time

Alex/ 31:24


Wednesday, September 11, 2013

training for the open | "la morte"

This workout is fairly difficult.

21-18-15-12-9-6-3 dumbbell thrusters @ 45 each
7-6-5-4-3-2-1 deadlifts @ 315

So, do 21 thrusters then 7 deadlifts, 18 then 6, and so on...

alex/ 9:28

Monday, September 9, 2013

training for the open | workout 4

copied this of rich froning. did pretty well, if I do say so myself.

5 body weight power cleans 
5 body weight bench presses 
5 rds

Alex/ 3:40

the next workout I do is going to be hellish 

Sunday, September 8, 2013

training for the open | workout 3

blarrgggg. I felt like crap this workout. but I bossed the overhead squats.

12 overhead squats @95
10 hand-release push-ups
8 toes to bar

as many reps as possible in 20 min.

alex/ 402

no judgement.

one love.

Friday, September 6, 2013

training for the open | workout 2

after not really working out for a month, then working out super hard yesterday, this sucked. hard.

100 burpees
200 db snatches @ 55 lbs

alex/ 19:28

Thursday, September 5, 2013

training for the open | workout 1

First workout in like a month. Blargggghhh. It sucked. Most of my form was awesome, some of it was not awesome. It was a rough intro. I am not in teh peak shapes. Enjoy-o

15 shoulder to overhead @ 115
10 pistol squats
5 chest to bar pull-ups

7 rds for time
