Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Wedding Fitness Week 7 | "Kalsu" or "The Most Horrible Workout Ever"

So I decided to go all-out. I tried "Kalsu."  Now this workout is famous among crossfitters for being terrible. 

And it is, indeed, terrible. 

For those who are willing, behold, Kalsu:

100 thrusters @ 135
4* burpees EMOTM (every minute on the minute)

Alex/ 20:58

Scaling is easy. just reduce the weight until it fits you.

Kalsu crushed my wrists and made my legs feel like poison.

That said, have fun! 

*it's supposed to be 5, but I forgot and guessed wrong.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Wedding Fitness Week 6 | "Patience" and "Father John"

Haven't been out of the games this week, but I did stop posting. Who knows why? Welp, I freaking killed it with a double workout that has something for everyone. I mean that shiz...


8 dumbbell hang cleans @ 40
8 dumbbell thrusters @ 40
8 pullups
8 burpees
5rds for time

Alex/ 6:44

This next workout, just awful. Honestly, try this crap. Pretty insane.

"Father John"

2 100m shuttle runs (100m down and 100m back)
10 shoulder to overhead @ 155
10 front squats @ 155
100m overhead lunges @ 45 lbs

Alex/ 13:58

I had a video of this, but it isn't working. Derp.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Wedding Fitness Week 5.3 | "Janice"

Gunter, I love you. 

I've been dreaming of getting a bike for years. Since I was 16. Never had the money then. Not even close. Recently I've had the money, but I've been saving diligently for my upcoming wedding. So has Sarah. I've known I need a real vehicle, but I just knew I shouldn't spend the money yet.

One of my best friends over here, or anywhere, John Gunter, threw me the keys to this after our workout yesterday. 

"Early wedding gift," he said.  I freaking love that dude.

Here's the workout that we hit up before I learned how to ride a dirt bike:

500 cycles @ medium difficulty on a stationary bike
70 barbell thrusters 
30 pullups

Alex/ 9:00
Tyler/ 13:12
Gunter/ 13:58

Post workout: 

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Wedding Fitness Week 5.2 | "Friend Guy"

Power Hour, the fitness program I started here with a couple of friends at the university, has been growing steadily. Our classes have grown through word of mouth alone, and our last session had at least 30 participants.  We're going to advertising soon--pass out flyers and do a demo in the public square near my apartment.

China is awesome.  It really is.

You can try anything here.  One day you could be delivering a speech to a graduate class on liberty and justice, the next day go-cart racing on a mountain. It's freaking awesome.

With all that hustle though, sometimes you just want to keep things simple. Simple is just what this workout is.  No weights. No pullups. Just the ground and you (and maybe a wall).  Check it out. See if you can beat my time.

"Friend Guy"

For time:

50 hand-release push-ups
50 squats
50 burpees
50 sit-ups
50 handstand push-ups
50 pistol squats

Alex/ 14:03

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Wedding Fitness Week 5 | "Funtimes!" (again, faster)

So, I basically took last week off. I think it's really important to rest if you really feel like resting, and to workout if you feel like working out. Being bound to a particular schedule can take the fun out of fitness, which is about challenging yourself....not turning into a robot.

Today I got to workout at the Chongqing Sports College.  I was invited by a sprinter I met the a couple months ago at the Indian restaurant near my apartment. The dude is fast. Wicked fast. Unofficial 100m at 10.38 fast. His name is alpha, and he's been the fastest 100m dash runner in china for the last 5 years in his age group.

The College is awesome. Best fitness facility I've seen in China so far. So we kicked it up and did the benchmark "Funtimes!" workout I created. If you don't remember, it's: 

150 bar facing burpees
50 power cleans @ 185
AMRAP (as many reps as possible) in 20

Alex/ 220

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Wedding Fitness Week 4.2 | "Bean Burrito"

I started a fitness program at the university with a couple teacher friends of mine. It's called Power Hour. Yup. Cliche. Don't really care anymore. Anyway, did that workout this afternoon, then I hit up this. 


"Bean Burrito"

100 burpee box jumps @ 18" for time



Alex/ 6:18

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Wedding Fitness Week 4 | "Wallis"

I took sunday and monday off. I coach the University's Taekwondo team,.and they competed over the weekend. I would have still worked out...had I not stayed up all night saturday. you may ask why I do this. I have no idea. probably the combination of coke, boredom and loneliness. Whatever the cause, I got back to realness today with my good friend John Gunter with another 21-15-9 couplet (set of two movements).  If you liked Fran, you love this:


deadlift @ 225
thruster @ 95
sets of 21-15-9 for time

Alex/ 3:46


deadlift @ 185
thruster @ 95
sets of 21-15-9 for time

Gunter/ 12:10

here's a demo vid of the workout:

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Wedding Fitness Week 13.3 | "Elizabeth"


Cleans @ 135
Ring Dips (or Bar Dips)
for reps of 21-15-9
for time

Alex/ 4 min

I know. I've probably posted too many workouts with cleans. My apologies. I kinda go through phases with workouts. Used to be I could hardly go a week without doing overhead squats 3 times. Now I'm all about cleans. Who knows why?  Whatever the reason, it's an awesome movement. My time here on this workout is pretty good. I did it for my tkd team after practice. The cheered me on so it was pretty fresh.

For a video of some pros, check it:

Rich Froning, the winner of the 2012 Crossfit Games, absolutely kills this workout. To check him out fast forward to 19:10.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Wedding Fitness Week 3.2 | Open Workout 13.2

This workout was used for the Crossfit Games Open, an enormous preliminary tournament for athletes to earn a bid to regional qualifiers for the Crossfit Games. I think I did pretty well, overall, on this WOD (workout of the day).  It's relatively short, light weight, and freaking awesome.  If you push yourself hard it kills.


5 push-press @ 115
10 dead lift @ 115
15 box jumps @ 24"
AMRAP in 10 min....(As Many Reps As Possible)

Alex/ 376